Wednesday, October 14, 2009

My Greatest Discovery

Hello All; Glad to be back; Just an update after a almost thirty year odessey ,my circle is complete. I found out two weeks ago I have a half brother an sister in Mesa Arizona ;I was dumbfounded ,shocked to say the least ,but ,after extensive conversation by phone ;the exchanging of photographs,all doubt has been removed ,my circle is complete .I am happy to know my sis an brother think so much of me : see i'm the oldest of four kids ;the full ramifications of all that haven't set in yet but it has got me taking stock of my life real quick.You see " No Success in life compensates for faliure in the Home"; I beleive we all have a destiny ,God has a plan ;but when others mess with what God put in motion ,they get what they deserve.So let this be a lesson to all : "Fight the Good fight ;Learn to be strong an have the patience of Job,the ears of the All Mighty,The Love of his Son ;for this is the Greatest Love of all:The Gift of Love;the Greatest Sacrifice of All Time Was the SON of MAN." Robert D Ellis JR.C 2009

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