Wednesday, October 14, 2009

My Fathers Eyes

Hello again ;Just a Thought : What does that phrase mean? If in an earthly context , it could be a child longing for the man who is no longer with us ; a son ; who always loved a Father ;three to be exact , My Grandfather , who took care of me ;my uncle ;who was the father he did not have to be; an my Godly Father ;who made this moment happen ;my Fathers eyes live through my new sibblings .I am Full now ,I always knew they were out there ,miracles do happen to those who are patient ;those with the patience of Job. Be Still ,search your'e soul ,always remember it is not what you take from this life that matters ;it's what you leave behind ,Knowledge ,Love,Faith ,Hope ;these are all the riches one needs ;they will last far longer than any money that can be left behind,possessions an such are not important ;When You LOOK into Your'e FATHERS EYES!

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