Sunday, June 1, 2014

Bullying; by Robert D Ellis Jr.

Since when is it anothers right to take wht is earned by another;never in my opinion.A case in point is the writer Robert Quiellen ;he was persecuted an systematically robbed of his work an earnings;due to a corrupt entity ;this cannot be tolerated. Live an let live is my motto;there is no moratorium as provided by the constitution of the US;if one has the skill an ability ,patience an drive to acheive ,the sky is the limit.The people that disagree with this are the minority of the lawless people who whould bully the disable;disscriminate against base on ethinicisity or other physical challenges. This must not be tolerate.Government interference in a persons persons right to choose or right to persue Life , Liberty an the persute of Happiness,cannot be tolerate.The aforementioned seems to be the case with respect to a writer I know,this will not be tolerated.all means to prosecute this behavior will be explored .It is often said,"True character is measured by what one does when noone is watching vs everyone watching";"All that is required for Evil to succeed is that Good Men do nothing". Stop Bullying wherever you find it;help those who find themselves in a vunerable position;especially at the hands of the corrupt.Good Day an Good Luck.

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