Sunday, October 27, 2013

The Art of Bonsai by Robert D Ellis Jr.

The Replication of nature in it's most miniature form;Bonsai { bone -sign}literally means,tray planting.In practicing the art of Bonsai one needs to adhere to a few basic principals to aquire a skill that will last a life time.To begin one must know the size requirements for show Bonsai;any book on the subject will have included a basic guide as to plants suitable broken down into the following categories;beginner;intermediate;advanced.It is best to follow the guidlines to prevent costly mistakes.Martins Nursery in Mauldin S.C.;is a excellant source for plants suitable for Bonsai.I  sugjest in beginning one start a journal ;ie plant tags ,are a start an have basic care instructions on care for the specific plant;also,care an instruction sheets can be printed on line.In your'e search for the study an practice of Bonsai;I wish the best.

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