Saturday, July 16, 2011

The Fleecing of America

My Friends the Time has Come for the Montra ; "I am Mad AS HELL; an I Will NOT PUT UP WITH THIS ANYLONGER. Those Bastards in Washington ; Won't Fix IT .We must Take Charge. Middle America ; Does not Stand A Chance. The Rich Stay Rich an the Poor Stay POOR!. Why shouldn't the RICH PAY MORE ; They made their Fortunes on the backs of the poorest of the POOR.I propose a Boycott to the 2012 Election; They want to tell us hwat light bulb to use; Socialisim is ONLY A Breathe AWAY." GROW Your'e own food if able ; Boycott the Whole system; LEARN HOW TO DO IT YOUR"ESELF." This GENDRIFICATION of OUR"E RACE an CLASS MUST STOP.!" Christopher ROBBIN

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