Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Spring Launch ;Ellis Enterprises

Hello World ; I am back from Cancer Fight ; Ready To Fight for my Life's Passion ; Hourticulture; if more people had the knowledge we would not be so dependant on foreign entitys. Music is another passion ; "Music Education is a more potent instrument than any other, for Rhythm an Harmony Find ; the way into the inner most places of the Soul" PLATO. I have started a Consulting Firm;Small SC Farm; Fresh Produce; Landscape Concerns; Plant Intstalation ;Propigation; Bonsai;Plant Selection ; Garden Planning/Harvest. Zone Planting dates for your area an more. Phi Mu Alpha 1984 ; Eta Zeta ; Please call for availability of produce ; will entertain new projects; IE ; community Gardening for Simpsonville Area ; If We Spread the Knowledge ; Enthusiasm Can Not be Extinguished.! "Feed one Teach One". Happy Gardening All; before my Lifes End ;I would like to see more patience in the World ,more Tolerence , a world free from Prejudice an Hate ; the Rules meant something ;ligitatmate immagrants came an contributed ; illegals stayed away." We are the ," The Greatest Nation on Earth , It is Time We Live up to our Creed". Protect: Defend an Believe; believe is the Key ; without ; Faith ; Hope ;Love : no endeavour can succeed ."   God Bless the World"  . Rob Ellis ; robldback64@juno.com

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