Friday, January 28, 2011

A Comentary ; Life by Robert D. Ellis Jr. Quotation from Wage by Jessie B. Rittenhouse

" I bargained with life for a penny an life would pay no more, however I begged at evening ,when I counted my scanty store;Life is a just employer; It gives you what is asked;but once the wage is set ;Why , You must bear the task.I worked for a menials hire only to learn dismayed ,that any Wage I'd asked of life ; Life would have willingly Paid". This says it all; If you expect different results , stop doing the same damn thing. " The definition of insanity is ;Doing the same thing over an over expecting a different result. " All that is needed for evil to succeed ; is that good men do nothing". We are the change we seek so In my view at least ; you are about as happy as you make your'e mind up to be; live an let live ,help others when you can ; love is a must."

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