Tuesday, January 12, 2010

MR. Tiger Woods : Robert D Ellis Jr.

Hello all ,Let's get real ; the man is human ; although he plays golf God like. The current media hype is garbage;those that report on his transgressions; have probably commited the same. The fact still remains " Tiger is ,an will remain the number one golfer in the world ,for the next twenty years; no other man in the annals of sport has captivated an eager public before nor will ever again.Tiger did not start all this ; Day one he strived to do one thing : Be the Best He Could Be" ,The public ,Media set the expectations ;the definition of what he should be ;Shame on us all ! He is a man ,he is human; ye without sin speak those that have "Shut Up".This man has dominated his sport for ten years; God help the next opponents he faces ;he will crush them. Go Tiger ; of all I Wish for ; I wish for your'e recovery ; Be strong ,be humble ,but most of all;accept the fate that is yours an yours alone ; Be the Man that history will record ;be the man "Big Enough " to Humble Jack" BE True to YOU" I will always support you , Love always Robert D Ellis ,email ; robldback64@juno.com

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