Monday, May 18, 2009

Just trying to make an Honest Buck : Robert D. Ellis Jr.

Dear Friends ,What is a man supposed to do ? Around every corner is a vulture or a thief,if they are not out to steal you're hard earned money,they steal you're Time. My Friends ,this has got to stop ,a poor man has not a chance,he can have all the desire in the world ,if he has no money ,he's religated to obscure an abject poverty.This instant gratification society we live in ,not what you did for me yesterday ,what have you done for me latley,material girl ,Why? can it not just end ? I'm a simple man I just want to be who i am ,What God intended,an hopefully achieve some dreams of my own. It's hard to chase ones dreams with Family tearing at my heals.Everyone is so jealous of what someone else has : Why?" I say live an let live!It's not what you have when you die that matters ,you can't take it with you,so what's the hurry : I beleive that the greatest gifts you can leave behind are these : Faith ,Hope ,Love ; the geatest of the three is Love. Robert D Ellis Jr. C 5/18/2009

Friday, May 15, 2009

Garden help

If anyone out there has concerns or questions concerning the ,Garden ,Flowers, landscaping ,I would be glad to ,try to help .I have a degree in hourticultue,free advice ,if i don,t know i garantee i'll get you an answer. Rob Ellis PS from time to time i'll post tips with respect to seasonal duties,an crops. Happy Gardening.

Hello World Robster is on the Web

Hello all ,my name if you had not guessed before ,is Rob Ellis from Simpsonville S.C..I am a 1987 grad from Newberry College ,Newberry S.C. I would love to hear from any of my old schoolmates,you can reach me at
on to more substance : In a world full of uncertanty an unfair at times downright cruel ,i will leave you with a thought that may at best make you're journey easier if not more tollerable: " May you Always feel the warmth of sunshine ,see the beautiful in nature an in people, may you always know happiness by carrying it with you ,an Joy by bringing it to Others". c 2001 Robert D Ellis JR This give us all something to think about ,the trivial pursuits of life ,do not compare to legacys left ,time spent benifiting mankind,a child ,or just helping someone else breathe easier, thats what counts my friends ,because in the end we can only take one thing with us,leave only one thing behind ,The love . Rob Ellis