Sunday, January 26, 2014

Strength by Robert D Ellis Jr.

Down and Down into my inner self I seek to find a peace within my Soul,A sign an omen ,something to let me know,What is ahead ,what is left for me to find;and yet,The Strength I seek is locked so very deep within my Mind  c 1987

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Boney Malloy by Robert D Ellis Jr

Boney is looking for his letters from way afar ;please send them from where ever you are.The voices keep insisting they are due;Ol Boney doesn't know just what to do.He asked for assistance an so far has been ignored ;Boney needs to take a trip to a far off distant shore.Please help him if you can help Ol' Boney be a happier man.When you find out what it is you are meant to do in this life ;why is it always a back stabber who causes you strife?Boney is tired ,tired of feeling blue;with faith hope an love one day he will receive his due.                             Robert Ellis Oral

Monday, January 20, 2014

Life Quotations by Robert D Ellis Jr

No success in life compensates for failure in the home;Listen twice as much as you speak; "A hero is a man or woman who defices adversity by doing what he or she believes is right in spite of fear" Tonny Robbins;If you do what you've always done you'll get what you've always gotten;" to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived ,this is to have succeded" Ralph Waldo Emerson. "One of the biggest benefits of going the extra mile is the emphasis it requires you to place on personal inititive;there are two types of people who never amount to anything;those who never do anything they are told to do;those that can't even do what they are told to do.The peolpe who get ahead take the personal inititive to do a thing without being told to do so. compiled by Robert d Ellis Jr;Napoleon Hill ;Keys to success.If the human mind has the functionality of an umbrella it only functions while open.These are just a few of the positive motivators I use any given day to influence the out come of each day. In the words of Abraham Lincoln,"You are just about as Happy or Unhappy as you make your'e mind up to be.Til next time; Gods Speed an Good Luck     Robert Ellis Oral 2014

Friday, January 17, 2014

" Boney Malloy" b Robert D Ellis Jr.

Boney is not  so great today ,man in the big white house isn't getting his way.Boney is sad an blue ,does not have the funds to make due.Ol' Boney is so very tired;the voices won't subside,they seem to think they are taking Ol' Boney for a ride.I pray help is on it's way ,so Boney can have another brand new day.Boney's letters are far an few between,seems someone is resorting to being rather contrary an mean.Pray Ol' Boney finds his way,send a thought an a kind word his way.The keeper of the muse is being exthorted an feeling blue ,help Boney ,he doen't know what to do.Please keep Ol' Boney in your'e thoughs an prayers;help him,even though right  now ,noone else dares.       Robert Ellis Oral

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

From the Desk of Robert Ellis Oral

I am working on new lyrics,taking a bit of a respit;will continue working til Feb. I am working on world wide distribution at present.I will resume again in April after taking care of some issues.Please check profile for info an forward any ideas;Goodbye an good luck.     Robert D Ellis Jr.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

"Boney Malloy" by Robert D Ellis Jr.

Boney Malloy keeper of the muse is feeling blue,noone to help an friends untrue.Help Ol' Boney quiet the voices in his head,in poverty he does now tread. The man in the big white house say he is due;Boney has noone to help him an does not know what to do.Help Ol Boney find his way to his brothers an a brand new day.A lifetime of unfilled dreams,pain more than one can bare;please tell Boney what all of this means.Boney needs just one true friend;one who will help until the very end.Send Boney his brothers in arms,please brothers quiet this harm.The keeper of the muse is tired of feeling blue,won't you help find joy an maybe some peace true.Maye one I'll see a happier Boney,maybe one day it will be ME.     Robert Ellis Oral 2014

Friday, January 3, 2014

"Boney Malloy"; by Robert D Ellis Jr

There once was a boy named Boney Malloy,taken from Surey on a winged toy;all he ever wanted was his friends an brothers;someone to care.The mules voices inside his head are relentless even at night inside his bed.OL' Boney leader of the band;keeper of the Muse all across this land.The Band leaders funds have been requsted ;but the mule refuses to stand down.Help Ol' Boney find his way;help Ol' Boney discover a brand new day.Boney Malloy;all he has ever known is pain an strife ;Boney so wants a BRAND NEW LIFE.        REO