Monday, June 29, 2009

Michael Jackson:Death of a POP ICON:Robert D. Ellis Jr.

When i heard the news ,i was stunned ,no it can't be but after reality set in I began to think about this in a different way .We are speaking of the man as if he's dead ,although physically yes,he will never die in the hearts of those he inspired,those he cared about an those few who really cared about him,Michael had a few acceentricities most geniouses do,he seemed aloff at times beyond the reach of the real world it's because he was brilliant,his brain operated on a different plain,time ,space , money ,were never concerns,his true passion was making sure his fans got their moneys worth ,boy did they get it an them some.Michael was a man ahead of his time ,tormented by past pain,lack of a childhood he so long to relive,a heart to big for his frail body,but through it all ,he had LOVE,LOVE ENOUGH,for the WHOLE WORLD. GOODBYE MJJ you will be missed.TO bad you can't be here to enjoy what you deserve. I'm sure you got a hero's welcome in HEAVEN,GOD knows you were an angel Who Graced this earth with You're presence. RIP KOP . Robert D Ellis Email@: